But I'm the exact font.
I am outside your window.
Throw down your hair.
I mean the hair you pulled from the drain
when you were cleaning your tub.
I want everything you have ever tried to wash away.
The first time you were bullied in junior high.
The last time you blushed from a compliment.
Every fever that hasn't yet broken. It's true,
I have never made a love potion that hasn't blown up,
but your mouth is the sexiest beaker.
Bend me over your periodic table
then try to tell me we don't have chemistry.”

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This page was created by our editorial team. Each page is manually curated, researched, collected, and issued by our staff writers. Quotes contained on this page have been double checked for their citations, their accuracy and the impact it will have on our readers.
Kelly Peacock is an accomplished poet and social media expert based in Brooklyn, New York. Kelly has a Bachelor's degree in creative writing from Farieligh Dickinson University and has contributed to many literary and cultural publications. Kelly assists on a wide variety of quote inputting and social media functions for Quote Catalog. Visit her personal website here.
Kendra Syrdal is a writer, editor, partner, and senior publisher for The Thought & Expression Company. Over the last few years she has been personally responsible for writing, editing, and producing over 30+ million pageviews on Thought Catalog.