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- Billy Corgan

Billy Corgan Quotes
Birthday: | March 17, 1967 |
Birthplace: | Elk Grove Village, Illinois, United States |
Nationality: | United States Of America |
Occupations: | Singer, Singer-songwriter, Guitarist, Poet |
Total quotes: 10

Billy Corgan
BirthnameBirthday: March 17, 1967
Birthplace: Elk Grove Village, Illinois, United States
Nationality: United States Of America
Occupations: Singer, Singer-songwriter, Guitarist, Poet
Total quotes: 10
“I’ll tell you one quick thing that I can talk about that’s kinda cool. Similar but less dark. I was working on my book, which I’ve sort of stalled on at the moment. But I was working on the book and I was being lazy about saving the book, and I hit some weird key and the thing blanked. I lost eight days’ worth of work. And I lost my mind. At that exact moment in the other room, my girlfriend was cooking dinner, and she turned and saw a woman walking through the kitchen. And it was my mother, who she’s only seen in pictures—my mother at twenty-five years old walking fast with her head down through the kitchen. My girlfriend was like, 'What the heck just happened?' So she followed the spirit, and there was nothing. She came in to tell me, and it had happened at the exact moment I blanked my book. So she was coming in one direction to tell me, 'I just saw your mother as a ghost in the house.' I’m coming to tell her, 'Oh my God I just lost this eight days’ worth of work.' It was like this weird ripple in time thing.”
Ghosts, Supernatural
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