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- David Duchovny

David Duchovny Quotes
AKA: | David William Duchovny |
Birthday: | August 7, 1960 |
Birthplace: | New York, United States |
Educated At: | Collegiate School, Grace Church School, Princeton University, Yale University |
Nationality: | United States Of America |
Occupations: | Actor, Director, Producer, Writer, Singer-songwriter |
Spouse: | Gillian Anderson |
Total quotes: 38

David Duchovny
BirthnameAKA: David William Duchovny
Birthday: August 7, 1960
Birthplace: New York, United States
Educated At: Collegiate School, Grace Church School, Princeton University, Yale University
Nationality: United States Of America
Occupations: Actor, Director, Producer, Writer, Singer-songwriter
Spouse: Gillian Anderson
Total quotes: 38
“It looks like this person was born without footprints. Which is impossible, by the way.”
teratological anomalies
“This is my problem with modern-day monsters, Scully. There’s no chance for emotional investment.”
monsters, emotional investment
“Just the fact that people seem to be getting dumber and dumber. I mean, we have all this amazing technology, and yet… computers have turned into basically four-figure wank machines. The internet was supposed to set us free, democratize us, but… But all it’s really given us is Howard Dean’s aborted candidacy and… 24-hour day access to kiddy porn. People… They don’t write anymore. They blog. Instead of talking, they text… No punctuation, no grammar, L.O.L. this and L.M.F.A.O. that. It just seems to me that it’s just a bunch of stupid people pseudo-communicating with a bunch of other stupid people in a protolanguage that resembles more what cavemen used to speak than the King’s English.”
“As a writer, I'm a sucker for happy endings. The guy gets the girl, she saves him from himself, fade to fucking black. As a guy who loves a girl, I realize there's no such thing. There's no sunset. There's just now, and there's just the two of us, which can be scary fucking ugly sometimes. But if you close your eyes and listen for the whisper of your heart—if you simply keep trying and never ever give up, no matter how many times you get it wrong, until the beginning and the end blur into something called until we meet again -- and that's it.”
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