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- Jay Asher

Jay Asher Quotes
Birthday: | September 30, 1975 |
Nationality: | United States Of America |
Occupations: | Children's Writer, Novelist, Writer |
Total quotes: 18

Jay Asher
BirthnameBirthday: September 30, 1975
Nationality: United States Of America
Occupations: Children's Writer, Novelist, Writer
Total quotes: 18
“If you hear a song that makes you cry and you don’t want to cry anymore, you don’t listen to that song anymore.
But you can’t get away from yourself. You can’t decide not to see yourself anymore. You can’t decide to turn off the noise in your head.”
But you can’t get away from yourself. You can’t decide not to see yourself anymore. You can’t decide to turn off the noise in your head.”
Loneliness, nostalgic
“How many times had I let myself connect with someone only to have it thrown back in my face?”
Connection, Friendship
“To miss her each time I pull in a breath of air. To miss her with a heart that feels so cold by itself, but warm when thoughts of her flow through me.”
Missing Someone, Letting Go
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