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- Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley Quotes
AKA: | Mary Shelley |
Birthday: | August 30, 1797 |
Death: | February 1, 1851 |
Manner of Death: | Natural Causes |
Nationality: | Kingdom Of Great Britain |
Occupations: | Essayist, Science Fiction Writer, Playwright, Travel Writer, Novelist |
Spouse: | Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Total quotes: 24

Mary Shelley
BirthnameAKA: Mary Shelley
Birthday: August 30, 1797
Death: February 1, 1851
Manner of Death: Natural Causes
Nationality: Kingdom Of Great Britain
Occupations: Essayist, Science Fiction Writer, Playwright, Travel Writer, Novelist
Spouse: Percy Bysshe Shelley
Total quotes: 24
“He was soon born away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance.”
Famous Last Lines, Darkness
“And now I began to live. All around me was changed from a dull uniformity to the brightest scene of joy and delight.”
“It is only four o'clock; but it is winter and the sun has already set: there are no clouds in the clear, frosty sky to reflect its slant beams, but the air itself is tinged with a slight roseate colour which is again reflected on the snow that covers the ground.”
“But my father; my beloved and most wretched father? Would he die? Would he never overcome the fierce passion that now held pitiless dominion over him? Might he not many, many years hence, when age had quenched the burning sensations that he now experienced, might he not then be again a father to me?”
“O, hours of intense delight! Short as ye were ye are made as long to me as a whole life when looked back upon through the mist of grief that rose immediately after as if to shut ye from my view. Alas! ye were the last of happiness that I ever enjoyed; a few, a very few weeks and all was destroyed.”
“I long to grapple with danger, to be excited by fear, to have some task, however slight or voluntary, for each day's fulfilment. I shall witness all the variety of appearance, that the elements can assume — I shall read fair augury in the rainbow — menace in the cloud — some lesson or record dear to my heart in everything. Thus around the shores of deserted earth, while the sun is high, and the moon waxes or wanes, angels, the spirits of the dead, and the ever-open eye of the Supreme, will behold the tiny bark, freighted with Verney — the LAST MAN.”
danger, Excitement
“I found if sorrow was dead within me, so was love and desire of sympathy. Yet sorrow only slept to revive more fierce, but love never woke again--its ghost, ever hovering over my father's grave, alone survived--since his death all the world was to me a blank except where woe had stampt its burning words telling me to smile no more—the living were not fit companions for me, and I was ever meditating by what means I might shake them all off, and never be heard of again.”
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