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- Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho Quotes
Birthday: | August 24, 1947 |
Birthplace: | Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Field of Study: | Law |
Lifestyle: | Mystic |
Political Parties: | Liberal |
Nationality: | Brazilian, Brazil |
Occupations: | Novelist, Poet Lawyer, Science Fiction Writer, Songwriter, Lyricist |
Profesisonal Interests: | Writing, Speaking |
Religion: | Catholic |
Spouse: | Christina Oiticica |
Total quotes: 619
Paulo Coelho
BirthnameThese are all the best Paulo Coelho quotes collected together in one place. Enjoy! And feel free to email us with your favorite Paulo Coelho quotes at support@quotecatalog.com.
Birthday: August 24, 1947
Birthplace: Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Field of Study: Law
Lifestyle: Mystic
Political Parties: Liberal
Nationality: Brazilian, Brazil
Occupations: Novelist, Poet Lawyer, Science Fiction Writer, Songwriter, Lyricist
Profesisonal Interests: Writing, Speaking
Religion: Catholic
Spouse: Christina Oiticica
Total quotes: 619
“Life has many ways of testing a person’s will - either by having nothing happen at all, or by having everything happen at once.”
Life, Challenges
“A Warrior of the Light knows what he wants. And he has no need to waste time on explanations.”
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