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- Louis Sachar

Louis Sachar Quotes
Birthday: | March 20, 1954 |
Educated At: | University Of California, Berkeley, University Of California, Hastings College Of The Law, Antioch College, Antioch University |
Nationality: | United States Of America |
Occupations: | Writer, Children's Writer, Screenwriter |
Total quotes: 40

Louis Sachar
BirthnameBirthday: March 20, 1954
Educated At: University Of California, Berkeley, University Of California, Hastings College Of The Law, Antioch College, Antioch University
Nationality: United States Of America
Occupations: Writer, Children's Writer, Screenwriter
Total quotes: 40
“You’re responsible for yourself. You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it. No one else is going to do it for you — for any of you.”
“Zig-Zag: Say, I didn’t know Marion was a man’s name.
Mr. Sir: It ain’t.”
Mr. Sir: It ain’t.”
marion, gender-neutral names
“I’m not stupid, I know everyone thinks I am, I just don’t like answering stupid questions.”
Stupid, stupid questions
“Stanley: Look, it says KB.
Zig-Zag: Yeah...yeah that’s Keith Barrenger.
Squid: Who?
Zig-Zag: He was in my math class.”
Zig-Zag: Yeah...yeah that’s Keith Barrenger.
Squid: Who?
Zig-Zag: He was in my math class.”
Abbreviations, math class
“[singing] You got to go and dig those holes. With broken hands and withered souls. Emancipated from all you know. You got to go and dig those holes.”
Emancipation, ditch digging
“Stanley: You know what I keep thinkin’ of?
Zero: What?
Stanley: How fine this Mary Lou must’ve looked like in a bikini.”
Zero: What?
Stanley: How fine this Mary Lou must’ve looked like in a bikini.”
“The Warden Walker: Stanley, won’t you just open it? Just let me see what’s inside it, please!
Stanley: Excuse me?”
Stanley: Excuse me?”
excuse me?
“This is my special nail polish. I make it myself. You want to know my secret ingredient? Rattlesnake venom. I just love what it does to the coloring. It’s perfectly harmless...when it’s dry.”
Nail Polish, rattlesnake venom
“Mr. Sir: There ain’t nothing down there. We woulda found it by now.
Mr. Pendanski: I wouldn’t tell the queen bee that.
Mr. Sir: I ain’t on stupid pills.”
Mr. Pendanski: I wouldn’t tell the queen bee that.
Mr. Sir: I ain’t on stupid pills.”
queen bee, stupid pills
“Mr. Sir: Stanley Yelnats...the Fourth?
Stanley: Everyone in my family names their son Stanley, ‘cause it’s Yelnats backwards. It’s this little...tradition.”
Stanley: Everyone in my family names their son Stanley, ‘cause it’s Yelnats backwards. It’s this little...tradition.”
Tradition, palindrome
“You Girl Scouts want to hear a story? Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end. [snickers scornfully]”
Girl Scouts, fairy tales
“Stanley: I feel really awkward with you reading over my shoulder like that, so...
Zero: I can’t read.”
Zero: I can’t read.”
“Stanley: I stole a pair of shoes.
Squid: From a store or were they on someone’s feet?
Zig-Zag: No, he killed the guy first, just left out that little detail, huh?”
Squid: From a store or were they on someone’s feet?
Zig-Zag: No, he killed the guy first, just left out that little detail, huh?”
sneaker theft, Murder
“[about the dog he stole] I would have made it out, too...if my pocket didn’t start barkin’.”
“Mr. Pendanski: You are here on account of one person; do you know who that one person is?
Stanley: Yeah, my no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather, that’s who it is.
Mr. Pendanski: No, you.”
Stanley: Yeah, my no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather, that’s who it is.
Mr. Pendanski: No, you.”
Mistaken Identity
“Mr. Pendanski: Good morning, Theodore!
Armpit: Man, it’s Armpit! I don’t know no fool named Theodore.
Mr. Pendanski: Well, I don’t know no fool named Armpit. [Hands him water] Here’s your water, whoever-you-are.”
Armpit: Man, it’s Armpit! I don’t know no fool named Theodore.
Mr. Pendanski: Well, I don’t know no fool named Armpit. [Hands him water] Here’s your water, whoever-you-are.”
proper name, Fool
“Mr. Sir: What’re we gonna do?
The Warden Walker: You’ll do as I say. [puts her hat on and leaves]
Mr. Pendanski: What did she say?
Mr. Sir: Not much.
Mr. Pendanski: What do we do?
Mr. Sir: You’ll do as I say. [puts his hat on and leaves]
Mr. Pendanski: But you didn’t say anything, either.”
The Warden Walker: You’ll do as I say. [puts her hat on and leaves]
Mr. Pendanski: What did she say?
Mr. Sir: Not much.
Mr. Pendanski: What do we do?
Mr. Sir: You’ll do as I say. [puts his hat on and leaves]
Mr. Pendanski: But you didn’t say anything, either.”
do as i say
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